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2,5-15×56 N-FX DDoptics Riflescope

* Baseret på Gen. III – specialversion FX /FX = mere synsfelt & bedre indsigt

* Sigtrådsjustering af metaltårne ​​(ingen plastik)

* CT (Clear Transmission / lav spredning)

* Dobbelt skalering (dobbelt tårn)

* Nulstop for ASV

* 0,1 MRAD klikspærre (1 cm/klik)

* Justeringsområde: 184 klik = 1,8 m ved 100 m

* Nyt design af forstørrelsesjusteringsring

* Nyt sigtemiddel 4 (A4N) med væsentligt finere indstilling

9.770,00 kr.

Ikke på lager

Varenummer (SKU): 247 Kategorier: , Brand:


The perfect riflescope for hunting on all distances

Driv jagt og mark terræn indtil sidste jagt lys
Et riffelkikkertsigte der dækker alle jagt anvendelser. Det store synsfelt på 15m samt den gode indsigt og den lille kant på den laterale okular sikrer gode betingelser for et hurtigt skud, for eksempel under bevægelse. Det store V6 zoomområde med en forstørrelse på op til 15x muliggør sikker målretning selv på lange afstande. Selv langtrækkende skud på op til 1500m er allerede blevet gjort med dette jagtkikkertsigte. Den fremragende lystransmission skuffer ikke op til det sidste jagtlys. Den automatiske og intelligente belysnings prik Ifiber hjælper dig, når du har brug for det.

High magnifications during less light and large field of view for a fast shot
The hunt in large field terrains has high requirements for a riflescope. High magnification enables a safe targeting on ong distances but it is important that the image brightness can be used even under a high magnification. The good insight in the ocular, the largely reduced fringe range and the wide field of view make the riflescope well equipped even for fast shots.

The extremely elaborate HD optics offer a colour accurate image rich in contrasts with excellent fringe acuity characteristics even under 15x magnification due to the coating, specially designed for this scope, which doesn’t allow for reflections or flare light. Especially the colour fringes could be reduced to a minimum. Thus the Nachtfalke 2,5-15×56 can also be used as a spotting scope and to safely target on longer distances.

Hunting A4N illumination reticle with intelligent IFiber illumination dot
The riflescope 2,5-15×56 N-FX is equipped with the succesful and modern reticle 4 N.

New reticle 4N for minimal target concealment
Looking through the new riflescope generation III the observer immediately notices the practical design:
The crosshairs in the reticle 4 are a lot more delicate and the slightly thicker outer arbors are now only half as thick and thus noticeably farther apart.
A big advantage, especially for the hunter during bad light conditions, as the target is only minimally obscured and the lightning fast and safe shooting is optimally supported.

The reticle is situated on the ocular image plane (2. image plane).

New features
What’s new for the riflescopes of the newest generation?
Three changes are noticeable with barely a glance:
1. The magnification adjustment ring was noticeably changed and offers more grip due to the rougher structure.
2. The reticle 4 has become more delicate and offers more space in the middle.
3. The reticle adjustment is made of metal, clearly defined and equipped with doubleturn and zerostop.

Robust adjustment mechanics for the hard use with zerostop & ASV
The reticle adjustment towers of the DDoptics riflescopes of the generattion III are made of a robust aluminium alloy and have no plastics parts. All aluminium parts are treated with the new, not shiny DDoptics fine-black anodized coating. The adjustment mechanics have been changed to the tactical version meaning they are not only very shock resistant and completely watertight but also hard going and thus protected against unintentional adjustment. That way the reticle adjustment can be used “open”, meaning without protection cap, during hunting to quickly adjust the reticle depending on the situation.

Reticle adjustment with zerostop
The amount of click adjustments can be seen on the double scale (doubleturn) of the hight adjustment tower and be adjusted accordingly. After test shooting the reticle adjustment can be put on zero. Then the zerostop ring is turned until the stop. After that the zero adjustment is adjusted via the zerostop ring from below in order to reach an impact at the position zero. From the position zero different target distances can be preadjusted with a marker system, provided that one knows how to use it. The lateral adjustment tower has two opposing scales. That way the reticle can be preadjusted according to wind direction and wind intensity or a possible movement of the target starting at the zero position.

Adjustment range of the reticle adjustment

The riflescope has a tactical 0.1mrad adjustment. This offers users in Europe easy use with the decimal system.
Complete adjustment range on 100m: 18,4 MRAD – 184 clicks – 1,8m
Adjustment range / click on 100m: 1cm
Adjustment range / click on 200m: 2cm
Adjustment range / click on 300m: 3cm
Adjustment range / click on 900m: 9cm

Technische Details

Gewicht 759 g
Generation III
Vergütung HDX III
Vergrößerung 2,5-15
Objektivdurchmesser Linse 56 Ø der Linse in mm
Austrittspupille Ø in mm 11,7-3,8
Daemmerungszahl 7,1-29,9
Sehfeld 100m 14,7-2,5
Sehfeld 109yd No
Augenabstand in mm 100
Dioptrienausgleich -3 bis +3
Absehen New Absehen 4
Leuchtpunkt II Yes
Absehen Bildebene 2. Bildebene
Absehenverstell / Klick 0,1 MRAD
Absehenverstellung (Skalierung) doppelt
Max. Verstellweg 18,4 MRAD
Parallaxenausgleich 20-500 – ∞
Oberfläche fine black
Mittelrohr Ø in mm 30 mm
ASV Zerostop Ja
Objektiv Ø außen in mm 65
Okular Ø in mm 43,6
Gesamtlänge in mm 372,2


Neoprenüberzug von DD 0 Stück
Überzug von Niggeloh 0 Stück
Sunshade 0 Stück
Schutzkappen 1 Paar
Batterie CR2032 1 Stück